
Europe, for what? („Was nützt mir Europa?“)

The newspaper “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger“ published the article: “Was nützt mir Europa?“ (Eng.: What do I need Europe for?) on 29.04.2019 written by Damir Fras und Marina Kormbaki. This article is addressed to people who do not know what the EU does or already did for them. Firstly the article is headed by criticism which EU-critics like to use to make the EU look bad. These are easily refuted. The rest of the article is structured in a way that there are different blocks with symbols and headlines. The twelve blocks are filled with topics which have a positive impact on us and have been or will be made possible only by the EU. The topic of climate change, which is especially important for the younger generation, is dealt with in three blocks: “Weniger Plastik“ (Eng.: Less plastic), “Vorkämpfer beim Energiesparen“ (Eng.: Save energy) und “Bessere Luft in den Strassen“ (Eng.: Better Air in the streets). Internet users find the article “W-lan für Alle, Überall“ (Wifi for everyone; everywhere) especially interesting. While reading the article it becomes clear how important and nearly self-evident the topics are which are realized by the EU.


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